Wednesday, March 29, 2006

YO-3A Restoration making progress!

We have located the Organizational Maintenance Manual with changes to OCT 1971.

Jimmie Reedy has been kind enough to send us the Hartzell propeller Book.

Crew Chief Rob Skinner opened up the IO-360 Continental Engine and discovered it is very good condition. It will have to be rebuilt. Someone had previously sand blasted the outside of the engine so there is grit inside. Rob built that incredible, swivel engine stand for the engine.

Kurt Olney set up the computer and printer and purchased a few items for the office.

Don Richmond jumped in Saturday morning and helpled Rob out.

Cliff Heathcoat scrounged up so "good stuff" for us, including some extra manuals.

Bud Ukes checked out our progress and pronounced we had a long way to go.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Work continues on Wing and Prop

Rob's update: Side Brace wing/landing gear has been romoved! Propeller Piston cap removal has been made, preparation for making engine stand. Ready to start working on fuel cells.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Inspection of Left wing and landing Gear well

Monday, March 13, 2006


Hartzell Propeller Hub. Note cracking on Feral. We now have owners manual from Hartzell (Thank You!) and techmanual is on its way from Jim Reedie.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Silent at 1000 feet

This plane is silent at 1000 feet. 11 were built in 1969. 9 operated in Vietnam 1970-71. NVAP (Night Vision Aerial Periscope,) Infrared illuminator, Laser target designator. Radar absorbing paint. Invisible to radar when the transponder was turned off.


Don Richmond, Jan Helsel, Kurt Olney--Volunteers

Work Starts on Landing Gear

Rob Skinner and Jan Helsel look at the work ahead.

Army-Lockheed YO-3A Restoration Project

This is the Army-Lockheed YO-3A 69-18007 that is being restored to flight status at Cable Airport, Upland California.

For more information on this aircraft go to